Category Stories

The History of The Winchester House

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The Winchester house is perhaps the most bizarre and mysterious mansion in the united states. Built by the heiress to the Winchester rifle fortune, the house has inspired macabre mythology and decades of folklore. It’s a warren of hidden passageways,…

The True Story Behind Fire In the Sky

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Humans have long wondered if there’s any intelligent life beyond earth. So many movies tell stories of extraterrestrial beings who progressed far beyond our knowledge and technology. Even beyond our ability to comprehend reality. The prospect of aliens is one…

Mysterious Life of Anton LaVey

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The 1960s in America was a time of massive cultural and generational change. The war in Vietnam was raging. Young Americans were dying in the jungles of southeast Asia for a cause they didn’t believe in. Young people, born in…

The Curse of The Omen – Real Story

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Every culture on earth has an end-times prophecy. A vision of how the world as we know it will come to an end, a story of armageddon. Such as the tale conveyed in the bible’s book of revelations, the rise…

England Most Haunted Place The Ancient Ram Inn

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It seems that every country on Earth has a place that’s the site of immense supernatural activity, places like the Bermuda Triangle, the Winchester House, the French Catacombs, to name but a few. We often think of haunted places as…

Real Story of Well to Hell | Unknown Truth

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The inclination to explore is deeply rooted in human instinct. Like our ancestors who left their homelands to explore places beyond the sea, our species has since traveled under the ocean, into the sky, and even to the very stars…