Mysterious Night Jagari

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Night Jagari

Today we are returning to the northern part of Croatia and the vast low mountain range is known as Bilogora. So what have we dug up for you today? In the darkness of the waste mountains of Bilogora, we found a legend about Night Jagari. And where to start our today’s story? Well, as usual, let’s start with what they are.

Night Jagari is known as a nocturnal hunter. They resemble humans but are short; it is said that night yoga can only grow a meter and a half(4.9 ft), so they are not that short but also can be described as very tall. They’re mostly seen wearing green clothes and armed with a bow and arrows.

Although Jagari can be found throughout all parts of Croatia, Bilogora is where there have been most sightings and where the stories live to this day. It all started when Lumberjacks reported seeing these small hunters running around the forest. It is said that the only thing that would announce their presence was the barking of dogs, the specific sound Jagari would make; it sounded something like-


It is interesting to mention that they were said to be unbelievably fast. Their movement was so quiet that no one would hear them run. Branches wouldn’t snap under their feet, and they wouldn’t leave a footprint on the ground.

On the other hand, there have been reports of them clapping their hands, so it seemed as if they intended to scare off the wild animals. They allegedly never talked to people, but if they did, it was a rare occasion. Jagari could be seen throughout all year, but most sightings were reported in the fall.

One interesting fact, at least interesting to me, is that they were always accompanied by dogs that were said to be so small as mice but barked so loud that they could be heard from miles away. Jagari were harmless to humans and their crops, at least to all humans that were good at heart. If they found animal poachers who would leave a wounded animal, Jagari would make them their targets. Unfortunately, with time sightings of these woodland creatures disappeared.

The last mention of Night Jagari was recorded at the end of the First World War.

So, do Jagari still roam the woods of Bilogora protecting the wild animals and lurking around through the wilderness?

Are they jet another story people used to tell for their entertainment or were they real?

Well, who knows? One day you or I will encounter one of them, so be sure to take care of all the wild animals.

Originally posted 2020-07-31 16:59:00.