Where is Asbestos Found in Old Buildings?

Where is Asbestos Found in Old Buildings?

If you own an old building, it’s important to be aware of the possibility of asbestos. Asbestos was once a common building material, but we now know that it can be dangerous to human health. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at where asbestos is commonly found in old buildings so that you can be on the lookout for it. So, you could keep this in mind while initiating commercial construction later.

Did You Know?

Asbestos was commonly used in a variety of building materials up until the mid-20th century. It was prized for its fire-resistant properties and its ability to insulate against heat and sound. As a result, you’ll find asbestos in many different places in old buildings.

Common Places Where Asbestos Can Be Found

Some of the most common places to find asbestos include:

Ceiling Tiles:

The first place to look for asbestos is in your ceiling tiles. Asbestos was commonly used in ceiling tiles, especially between the 1930s and 1970s. If the building was built during this time period, there’s a good chance that your ceiling tiles contain asbestos.

Floor Tiles:

Asbestos was also commonly used in floor tiles. If your building has old floor tiles, they may contain asbestos.

Pipe Insulation:

If your building has old pipes, they may be insulated with asbestos. Pipe insulation was commonly made with asbestos up until the mid-20th century.

Asbestos Siding:

Asbestos was sometimes used in siding. If your building has old siding, it’s important to have it tested for asbestos.

If you suspect that your building may contain asbestos, it’s important to have it tested by a professional. If asbestos is found in your building, you’ll need to take steps to have it removed by a certified asbestos removal contractor.


Asbestos was also commonly used in roofing shingles. If your building has old shingles, they may contain asbestos.

Joint Compound:

If your building was built before the 1980s, the joint compound used to finish your walls may contain asbestos.

Textured paint:

Asbestos was sometimes used in textured paint. If your building has old textured paint, it’s important to have it tested for asbestos.

Popcorn Ceilings:

Popcorn ceilings were commonly made with asbestos. If your building has a popcorn ceiling, it’s important to have it tested for asbestos.

As you can see, asbestos can be found in many different places in old buildings. If you suspect that your building may contain asbestos, it’s important to have it tested by a professional like Astra Construction Management. If asbestos is found in your building, you’ll need to take steps to have it removed by a certified asbestos removal contractor.


Asbestos can pose a serious health hazard if inhaled. If you own an old home, it’s important to be aware of where asbestos might be hiding so that you can have it removed by a professional if necessary.

Originally posted 2022-10-22 16:30:00.